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Official Website of Future Best Selling Author

YES! You are in the right place.

You may not know how you got here or why. It could be an accident. But let's just listen to fate for once, shall we? 


EGO Blurb

Let me introduce you to the part of the website that represents my ego.

My ego would like me to tell you that I'm a decent writer, evidence notwithstanding.


My ego would also like me to mention Write Wrong, a podcast where I talk about writing from the point of view of someone who's been doing it wrong for far too long. Write Wrong is hilarious and yet, to my ego's disappointment, only somewhat informational.


Nonetheless, I pretend I know things on the podcast like writing tips, secrets, and words like nonetheless, which is really just three plain words smashed together to make themselves sound fancy. See...secrets like that, but you can run on the treadmill while getting them.

Check out the site, hang out, let me buy you a drink, or maybe a new car, and we can get to know each other on a road trip to my personal fantasy land where I can afford to buy you a drink and maybe a new car.

My Books

My Books

Yes, I've written two and am querying for an agent. I'm writing a third now. They will be published. I vow it!

MY MOTHER THE CADAVER: A ROAD TRIP is a dark comedic novel about a woman who must track down her mother’s body parts after her mother dies. 


Cloe Bishop would shoot herself in the arm to be a famous artist. Too bad it's been done before. Despite early success and years of trying, her shock-art career is dead. Distressed from going into debt, all for cruel reviews that call her ‘soulless and callous’, Cloe must abandon her dream and pay back her conservative stepmother by working on her campaign for senator. 


Then Cloe's deadbeat mother, Patty, dies and is mistakenly donated to science. It’s Cloe’s last chance: find her mother’s body parts and photograph the journey for a sensitive and heartfelt (and, okay, a teensy bit macabre) exhibit that will save her once-promising career. 


If she can’t find her soul on this trip, she doesn’t have one.   


Teaming up with Chick, the body broker, she charges across the eastern seaboard, barging into surgeries, stealing appendages, and body checking Chick's clients out of her way. All while Patty’s ghost hounds her, reminding Cloe why she hates her mother in the first place. 


Guilt gnawing at her, rage flaring over her mother’s smug delight, and unwittingly tweeting herself into a social pariah, Cloe rushes toward her undoing determined to fulfill her dream and locate the only heart that’s worth saving.

Book 2: 

I'm working on a revision and a lovely summary. Until then...

Look at the pretty swimmer!

Inspirational quotes from
write wrong Podcast
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Think of it like a thing you don't know you want yet but you're totally glad you second guessed yourself.

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